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Troubleshooting Guides: IC-R7000
Symptom: Radio is off frequency.
Probable Cause: 2nd L.O. needs alignment.
Cure: Align L39 coil on PLL unit: Set displayed frequency to 511.9999 MHz and adjust L39 coil for 768.0000 MHz at J6 test point on PLL unit.
Remarks: This is a common problem in the IC-R7000. We recommend that the 2nd L.O. frequency be checked on all IC-7000s that are in need of repair.

Symptom: No digital display when the radio warms up.
Probable Causes: 1) Faulty DC-DC converter on display unit. 2) Bad solder at flex cable between display unit and DS1 display.
Cure: Replace dried-out electrolytic capacitors in display unit. Resolder cracked joints at display flex cable.

Symptom: Low RX on all bands.
Probable Cause: Incorrect voltages from DC-DC unit.
Cure: Check for correct output voltages at J2 connector of the DC-DC board. Replace C1 and C2 capacitors (both 33 µF, 16v) on the DC-DC unit if voltages are incorrect.

Symptom: Distorted audio in FM mode, especially as unit warms-up.
Probable Cause: Bad capacitor on IF unit. Unit needs update.
Cure: Replace electrolytic capacitor C135 on IF unit and update IF unit: Install a 100 K resistor between the negative side of C135 capacitor and ground.


Symptom: No receive at all.
Probable Cause: PLL unlock.
Cure: Replace faulty C69 capacitor on PLL unit.
Symptom: No receive at all on same bands after warm-up.
Probable Cause: PLL unlock.
Cure: Bad solder connections and/or bad Q1 or Q3 transistors in VCO unit.

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